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September 2024

Bible passages throughout this website are copied from the Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV), Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc., Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


I do not enjoy being wrong.  Nonetheless, it happens. I self-published a book on the Prewrath position in 2003 which now, 20 years later, embarrasses me. As I have continued to study God's Word, He has continued to grant me more and more insight on the Prewrath position. My early work was based too much on my own assumptions and too little on God's Word.

September 2024 - This website has been posted for a number of years now, but God lately has made it abundantly clear to me that the Rapture, as important as it seems to Christians, is only a small part of His overall endtime plan. I am more convinced than ever that the Rapture will occur during the last half of Daniel's seven-year period, but the war between Satan and God overall is even more important. 

Prior to learning of the Prewrath position, I was a believer in the Pre-Trib position, not because I saw it in the Bible, but simply because I was raised from early youth being taught the Pre-Trib Rapture by church and family. Upon learning of the Prewrath position, it made Bible prophecy much clearer to me. I have attempted to explain my beliefs and my reasoning throughout this website. I read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and refuse to limit my endtime beliefs on only part of the Bible. The Holy Spirit is a much better teacher than any other I have ever had.

Note that I use 'Prewrath' rather than 'Pre-Wrath'. I do this simply because it is easier and it makes more sense to me.

I appreciate your reading and consideration of my current writings on this website, but by all means be a good Berean (Acts 17:11) and study the positions for yourself. Read and study the entire Bible, do not base your beliefs on a few short passages or on the basis of what someone else believes. Read your Bible, compare Scripture to Scripture, and speak with God concerning questions you may have.

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